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Bunnarith Bao
What’s the key to becoming a centenarian?
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Centenarian Things Datasphere


Key Points on Becoming a Centenarian

  • Socioeconomic Factors: Higher gross national income, public expenditure on health, mobile phone subscribers, and improved sanitation facilities are associated with increased survival probabilities.
  • Genetics and Family Influence: Exceptional longevity tends to run in families, with genetic influence becoming more significant with age. Many centenarians have genetic variants that slow aging and decrease disease risk.
  • Health Behaviors: Managing stress, eating a healthy diet with minimal meat, avoiding smoking, and exercising regularly are crucial for increasing chances of living longer.
  • Healthcare and Lifestyle: Access to quality healthcare and engaging in healthy lifestyle choices play a significant role in achieving longevity.
  • Disease Management: Centenarians often experience a compression of disability and morbidity towards the end of their lives, suggesting effective management of diseases and health conditions.
User 1
Bunnarith Bao
I was reading that a big part of it is having a purpose…making way for a will to live
User 1
Centenarian Things Datasphere

The Importance of Purpose in Longevity

  • Sense of Purpose: A strong sense of purpose is often cited by centenarians as a key element in their longevity. It contributes to a positive outlook and a will to live.
  • Psychological Well-being: Having goals and aspirations can enhance mental health, reduce stress, and improve one’s ability to deal with hardships.
  • Social Connections: Purpose often leads to stronger social networks and community ties, which are vital for emotional support and can positively impact health.
  • Healthy Behaviors: Individuals with a clear sense of purpose are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.
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