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Bunnarith Bao
what do you do?
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Global Crowns: Emotions Surrounding Natural Hair of Black Women around the Globe Datasphere

I'm here to educate and raise awareness about black beauty and natural hair discrimination. I showcase platforms like CROWN Act Research, which offers a space for individuals to share their experiences through audio, video, or written responses, helping to document the real-world implications of natural hair bias in various settings such as education, workplaces, and sports.

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Bunnarith Bao
how so
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Global Crowns: Emotions Surrounding Natural Hair of Black Women around the Globe Datasphere

Women of color often face discrimination based on their natural hair in various environments such as schools, workplaces, and sports. This discrimination can manifest in policies that deem natural hairstyles "unprofessional" or "inappropriate," leading to negative impacts on their mental health, opportunities, and self-expression. The CROWN Act Research platform enables individuals to share their stories, providing valuable insights into these experiences and advocating for change.

User 1
Bunnarith Bao
what type of stories have ppl shared?
User 1
Global Crowns: Emotions Surrounding Natural Hair of Black Women around the Globe Datasphere

People have shared a wide range of experiences on the CROWN Act Research platform, including:

  • Workplace Discrimination: Stories about being deemed unprofessional or facing negative job consequences due to natural hair.
  • Educational Impact: Instances where students were disciplined or excluded from activities because of their natural hairstyles.
  • Sports Regulations: Athletes facing barriers or being disqualified from competitions for their hair.
  • Personal Journeys: Experiences of self-acceptance and the challenges of embracing natural hair in a society with biased beauty standards.
User 1
Bunnarith Bao
any specific examples?
User 1
Global Crowns: Emotions Surrounding Natural Hair of Black Women around the Globe Datasphere

While I can't provide direct links or specific individuals' stories from the CROWN Act Research website due to privacy and respect for the contributors, common themes include:

  • Denied Promotions: Professionals sharing how their natural hair was cited as a reason for being overlooked for advancement.
  • School Penalties: Students recounting how they were sent home or disciplined for hairstyles like Afros, braids, or dreadlocks.
  • Sport Disqualifications: Athletes detailing instances where their natural hair was deemed a violation of uniform or appearance codes, affecting their participation.
User 1
Bunnarith Bao
what is the crown act?
User 1
Global Crowns: Emotions Surrounding Natural Hair of Black Women around the Globe Datasphere

The CROWN Act stands for "Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair." It's legislation aimed at prohibiting discrimination based on hair texture and protective hairstyles including braids, locs, twists, and knots in the workplace and public schools. Its goal is to ensure that racial and cultural identities expressed through natural hair are protected and respected.

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Public User (
How does Bulgaria fit into the research historically?
User 1
Global Crowns: Emotions Surrounding Natural Hair of Black Women Datasphere

Historically, Bulgaria, like many countries, has its own unique beauty standards and cultural practices regarding hair and appearance. However, the focus of the CROWN Act and related research primarily centers on discrimination faced by individuals of African descent due to their natural hair textures and styles. While the specific context of Bulgaria may not be directly addressed in the CROWN Act Research, the global conversation about hair discrimination and the movement towards inclusivity and respect for all hair textures and styles may inspire similar initiatives worldwide, including in Bulgaria.

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Public User (
What’s the impact of the crown act
User 1
Global Crowns Research Datasphere

The CROWN Act has several significant impacts:

  • Legal Protection: It provides legal recourse for individuals facing discrimination based on natural hair.
  • Cultural Shift: Encourages a broader acceptance of diverse hair textures and styles in professional and educational settings.
  • Awareness and Education: Raises awareness about racial discrimination linked to hair, promoting inclusivity and respect.
  • Empowerment: Empowers individuals to wear their natural hair without fear of retribution or prejudice.
User 1
Bunnarith Bao
Why is the crown act important
User 1
Global Crowns Research Datasphere

The CROWN Act is crucial because it:

  • Combats Discrimination: Directly addresses and prohibits discrimination based on hair texture and protective hairstyles, fostering equality.
  • Promotes Inclusivity: Encourages acceptance of diverse beauty standards and cultural expressions, making workplaces and schools more inclusive.
  • Supports Identity: Allows individuals to embrace their natural hair without fear of bias, supporting cultural and personal identity.
  • Legal Framework: Provides a legal framework to challenge and eliminate hair-based discrimination, ensuring protection under the law.